A Lone Soul

“A Lone Soul”. Image sketched and owned by author of this blog, Erlyn Olivia


cold frost still lingers

lichening wildly on vines

the lone spirit stands


naked and lonely

it whistles tirelessly

summoning love birds

Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge no. 215 – Poet’s Choice! This time I offer you another sketch of a tree and two haikus to accompany the sketch. Hence, what I actually offer this time is a haiga. Haiga is a haiku accompanied by a picture. Haiga, haiku, well, in reality the separation line is very thin. What’s more important is to enjoy making it.

14 thoughts on “A Lone Soul

  1. I learned something, a haiga. Your drawing is beautiful. I had to look up lichening. I didn’t know it was a verb, and found out it can affect people as well. I wouldn’t want it happening wildly on my body! 🙂 Well written.

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    1. It’s just a play of words. That’s the beauty of poem, especially haiku when we have limitations on words sometimes. So I made it a verb 😀 😀Thank you for visiting and leaving me a comment. 😊

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