Who am I?

My name is Erlyn Olivia. I’m the owner and the author of most  of these writings. A little bit about myself that I can offer is described below.

Because I’m alive, I’m a participant in this amusement called “life”. I’ve been lost, found, lost again, found again, and so it continues. Though I may be lost again, I am not afraid anymore because I know who my anchor is now. In Your Hands, My Creator and Savior, I surrender my journey.

Who am I is connected to who you are. To dare to know me is to risk walking on an unknown, unpredictable path. I can be an easy-reading kind of book, or a rare-edition, hard to find book. It all depends on you, on your perspective. Don’t worry, it’s a safe path. Happy reading.

I am pretty new to this whole phenomena of writing. I’ve been doing this maybe for only about 6 or 7 years. I loved reading even longer than that, and maybe my love of reading that pushed this love of writing to be born. I fell in love with poems and writing poems even more recently. As an introduction I humbly offer you an imperfect poem, which I even have no title of. Hope you enjoy it. And welcome to my muse and my love of writing, love of nature, and love of free expression.



From sunset to dawn, the dark night is painted with silhouette only.
From sunset to dawn, breath entangles with the cold fog, struggling to free itself.
From sunset to dawn is when we’re most vulnerable.
But hear Me and heed Me, came a voice thundering in,
From sunset to dawn is also when the Moon and Stars are out.
From sunset to dawn, hope dances alive under the shower of Moonlight.
So from sunset to dawn,
I might just surrender
to the Calling.

12 thoughts on “Who am I?

  1. Well, such lovely poetry and words you have here. They have a sense of deep thinking that permeates throughout. Glad I came across your blog. Hope you keep creating in your own way. All the best in everything. Stay safe!

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