Order Does Exist within Chaos

Chaos, messy, isn’t that part of life? Who never experienced chaos before?

Well, I am in the middle of a change right now, trying to send chaos away, packing it in a suit case, and hopefully chaos never returns again. But perhaps chaos may come back in a different form in the future. Who knows. But at this moment, I’m ready to send one away.

Days that I hope will be more in an order will start in a month. A life with a full time teaching position will soon be in the past for me. Still teaching, but possibly in a different form, and definitely not full time. I’m not too worried about how I’m going to adjust, although I’m starting to feel the emotional aspect of going through another phase of change and adaptation. Life is about learning and learning is a life-long process. And therefore, I would think the same goes with teaching. I can still teach, but in a different way. Teaching is a form of sharing, and so no doubt, I can still do it one way or another.

But for now, I am ready to let go one type of chaos out of my life.




A view like this in my house always marks the ending of a semester. Each stack is from a class, so there is a total of 5 classes. All I can chant now, “I’m ready to let you go.”




The stack of chaos shown above occupies another desk. This time it is at my desk in the office. Same meaning with the previous stacks, it only means the end of a semester. “I’m ready to let go of you, chaos,” I said convincing myself.

Order does exist within chaos.


And this … this one, I swear to you, there is an order in the seemingly chaos depicted here. Imagine this is a stack of stones that are seen in many outdoor pictures. What kind of feeling do those pictures usually attempt to arouse?

Well, hell, there is an inner calmness definitely in that picture too. It’s obvious.

Unfortunately, I can’t claim ownership of the stack of inner calmness, because it’s not my creation. I can only claim ownership of the picture. This inner calmness, by the way, managed to stay strong like this for many days. Order does exist within chaos.



Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Order





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